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Help your clients
gain exposure to small and mid sized companies


We provide a simple, low-cost way to expose your clients to a diversified portfolio of small and mid sized companies.

Why choose Mirrabooka for your clients?

  • Mirrabooka aims to provide medium to long term investment gains through holding core investments in small and medium sized companies (companies which fall outside the S&P/ASX 50 Leaders index)
  • Low management cost of 0.56% and no performance fees
  • Tax-effective income via fully franked dividends
  • Consistent after tax paid investment returns achieved over the long-term
  • Professionally managed with an experienced board, investment and management team
  • Easy to invest with no hidden costs
  • Regular shareholder meetings
  • Mirrabooka is a listed investment company on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Established in 1999, we specialise in investing in small and mid sized companies in Australia and New Zealand

    Portfolio Facts

  • Mirrabooka invests in selected small and medium sized companies (companies which fall outside the S&P/ASX 50 Leaders Index)
  • Portfolio size: $689.5 million at 31 January 2025
  • Investment style: long-term, fundamental, bottom-up
  • Suggested Investment period: 5-10 years
  • Net asset backing: released every month with top 20 investments
  • Listed on ASX: code MIR
  • Explore independent investment research from research firms.

    Listed Investment Companies (LICs) are similar to managed funds but differ in important ways that allow for long-term investment, low fees, and fully franked dividends.

    LICs are closed-end funds with a fixed number of shares that are traded on the ASX. As a result, Mirrabooka does not issue or cancel shares as investors enter and leave the fund. This allows us to concentrate on the performance of the portfolio over the long term.

    Furthermore, the closed-end structure removes the motivation to shadow indices, allowing us to remain focused on the long-term investment horizon. The costs of administering the fund are also reduced as we are not continually issuing and redeeming units.

    The company structure of Mirrabooka allows us to pay shareholder returns after tax, usually as fully franked dividends.

    Browse our frequently asked questions to find the answers you need.